Bug & Feedback Fixes (v1.0.1)

Why did this update take so long?

Hey all! Super sorry about the long delay on getting this patch out. I've been flat out with YT content and a few other projects so I haven't had the time to fix up Cube Run. There weren't any game breaking bugs to fix straight away, so the patch wasn't as high priority. Nevertheless, I have finally got around to fixing it up. Yay! If you find any bugs in the new release, please report them via the in-game report menu. Other than that, enjoy the more polished (hopefully) version of Cube Run!

What's changed?

In this update there were quite a few quality of life changes and level nerfs/adjustments that were made. And of course, a bunch of bugs got squashed. Check out the extensive list of changes below!

Changelog (v1.0.1)

Quality of Life Changes

  • A new respawn button has been added to the pause menu! If you want, you can now respawn at the last checkpoint.
  • Double jump has been reworked. You now have two jumps regardless of being grounded. Meaning that if you walk off an edge then jump, you will still have your second jump ready.
  • Pressing the apply button on the options and character menus now takes you back to the previous menu.
  • Introduced Coyote Time to assist timing jumps. Players will now have a few more frames to jump off the edge of a platform before falling. This combats the feeling that your jump sometimes didn't register as well as not having a jump ready on rotating platforms.
  • Added a small spawning animation for enemies.
  • Enemies now have a different jumping sound to the player.
  • Made some adjustments to the controller ability text variants.
  • Pressing play after defeating the boss will now take you to the freeplay level.
  • Increased the player's air acceleration. Meaning that air control should now feel more responsive and snappy.
  • You can now skip the credits at the end of the game by pressing 'escape'.
  • Added a particle trail behind the player to indicate how fast they are moving.
  • Modified the boss UI bars so that they don't look as stretched.
  • Reworked the wall jump mechanic. The player now slides down the wall, and can jump away from the wall by solely pressing 'spacebar' or by pressing 'spacebar' and aiming to where you want to jump. Players can also dismount goop walls by moving their character down.
  • Goop walls now emit a particle effect as the player slides down them.

Level Nerfs & Adjustments

  • Level nine now has an additional checkpoint.
  • Reduced the speed of a moving platform in level seven.
  • Increased the checkpoint trigger distance.
  • Adjusted the goop wall tutorial text to better suit the new system.
  • Some punctuation in level nine has been corrected.
  • Breaking platforms only trigger when the player is on top of them.
  • Breaking platforms now also respawn.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where tabbing out of the game would cause players to fall through the ground.
  • Fixed an issue where player momentum would stick you to the roof during the pinnacle of your jump.
  • Fixed an issue that caused level progress to not be reset when loading a level after completing it in the same session.
  • Fixed an issue where backing out of some menus caused controller support players to not be able to navigate the menu.
  • Fixed an issue that caused vertical moving walls to freeze the player in place.
  • Fixed an issue where your best time for level ten wouldn't save.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the resolution to revert back to the desktop's default resolution regardless of the player's choice.

Notice for Mac Users

Most of the testing I did on Mac made it appear that the major bugs present in the MacOS version of the game have been squashed. However, please notify me ASAP if the issues are still present and if you can, try to include steps of recreation.


Cube Run v1.0.1 - Windows.zip 54 MB
Jun 24, 2021
Cube Run v1.0.1 - Mac.zip 62 MB
Jun 24, 2021

Get Cube Run


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Hi Dash,

So as promised I have played the game more, both on a MacBook Pro 15'' 2018 and on a stationary Windows based PC.

There are definitely a lots of improvements here in overall feeling of the gameplay mechanics polishing, bigger bug fixes etc. on Mac (I haven't played v1 on Windows).

I was able to almost finish Level 10 boss escape, but it was taking me lots of retries. And those vertical platforms where I stuck... #$@! lol ;-). I will try again in future.

Game in general is fun to play. The music fits very well. The same with story / narration and mood. I think it has potential for a larger audience adoption, maybe with introducing some graphics etc.

Issues / improvements proposal:

I still have some problems here and there with jump not reacting on time or easily sliding from the tip of those thin vertical platforms. And it would be nice to have a little bit more control in air. I think it may be a slightly bit worse when playing on Retina display or maybe in general depending on resolution some accuracy may suffer a bit.

Maybe I am just too old ;-), but the game is rather hard, which can be a good thing and I guess it is rather by design here. However, you could consider some difficulty levels or optional adjustment options like more save checkpoints, so less hardcore platformer players could enjoy it too.

It would also be nice if the progress was saved on a checkpoint, not at the beginning of the level. And those vertical platforms mentioned before can be really annoying especially combined with a slight lack of control precision at times.

[Shift] is for dashing and [E] for platform switching. Combined with [Space] for jump it was rather not the best keys layout for me. But maybe it was just me and it depends on the keyboard so probably asking others would be helpful or just to consider making keys mapping feature in future.

A button / option for skipping death & respawn animations or a longer introduction at the beginning of Level 10 could be a great thing too. Combined with many retries it is time consuming and not for gameplay, but for waiting.

I know you are busy with the new game, youtube etc. but maybe you can go back to Cube Run sometime in the future for making some adjustments / improvements.

Keep up the good work!

Thanks so much for the feedback!

There are some really good proposals here and I'll chuck them up on the to-do list. When I get the time I'll see what I can implement to better cater for a wider audience. I appreciate your time immensely!

You are welcome!